Atlanta Graduate Chapter

Groove Phi Groove

The college educated, talented, professional men of Atlanta Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Incorporated are proud to provide community service to Metro Atlanta and to foster fellowship and family values among its members. Current projects include education, mentoring, and guidance to middle and high school age young men.

Our Name

Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. was founded at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) on October 12, 1962 by fourteen daring, young, black American men who wanted to change the way we think about brotherhood.




During the 1960s, the word “GROOVE” was popular among a generation of young blacks.

Webster’s Dictionary defines the verb “groove” as “to perform deftly or smoothly.” As a noun, “groove” is defined as a “fixed routine in the affairs of life.” Hence, to go against the “groove” means to work against the current establishment, and “grooving” is associated with “socializing or fellowshipping.” These combined definitions form the essence of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.




In “Secrets of the Great Pyramids” by Pete Thompkins, the Khemit people of ancient Egypt created “phi” as a symbol of the creative function of the male reproductive system and, more loosely, as “reproduction in endless series,” which is a symbolic representation of “the fire of life.” Our Fellowship has incorporated this symbol of fertility into its name to stand for our continual growth and development. Our “phi” symbol should not be confused with the Greek one.  They look the same but have very different meanings.

Our People

Atlanta Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Incorporated was chartered by the international organization in 1979 at the Charleston, South Carolina Conclave.


Atlanta Graduate Chapter – Charter Members

  • Keven Bell
  • Andrew Covington, Jr.
  • Glenn Gordan
  • John Griffin
  • Shelton Jefferson
  • Roberto Lovick
  • Richard Martin
  • James Taitt
  • Levern Thompson
  • Napoleon Yarn Jr.


There are currently thirty active members of the Atlanta Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Incorporated achieving great things within the community.


Atlanta Graduate Chapter – Current Officers

  • Fred Bryant – President
  • Andre Dupree – Vice President
  • Thabiso Magagula – Secretary
  • Vernon Brown – Treasurer
  • Phillip W. Cuffey – Immediate Past President

Our Organization

Atlanta Graduate Chapter is the local chapter of the international organization, Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. At the core of this organization of college educated men is empowerment and education for the people in our communities, especially young men. We are professionals from many walks of life, including teachers, principals, bankers, entrepreneurs, architects, contractors, and accountants. Giving back to the community is our motivation because someone did the same for many of us.


The national organization, Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Incorporated was established with the purpose of promoting academic awareness, ethical standards, and unity among men in undergraduate and graduate programs. Currently, there are Chapters across the nation and in Ghana, Africa.


The purpose and intent of the Atlanta Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove is to effect changes in our communities and especially help young high school men to achieve their highest potential. This mission inspired the organization to establish Atlanta Achieve One, Incorporated which works with students in high school, providing mentorship, education and scholarship funding.


There is no typical Groove member. We are multidimensional, and whether you are a Groove member in New York, Calfornia, or elsewhere, we like to fellowship with each other and our families, to have fun, to enjoy our brotherhood and to be of service to the community. If there is a member of Groove Phi Groove there, you have a connection in any city you visit.

Our Passion

The members of the Atlanta Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. are proud of the work they do with the young men enrolled in the Groove Leadership Academy. Funded by the charitable arm of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc., the Leadership Academy provides mentorship to at risk young men in grades eight through twelve. The Academy provides activites that promote social responsibility, scholastic excellence, and leadership.


Because of the work of student members on college campuses and graduate members in the community, Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. continues to reach men on the undergraduate and graduate level. The Atlanta Graduate Chapter is proud to support the work of the undergraduates in the Atlanta community. The organization is made up of men who want to make a difference in their respective communites. Atlanta Graduate Chapter is a brotherhood of men that is matched by few other organizations. The support of the men and their families runs deep.


For information about Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. visit the site.


For information about Atlanta Achieve One, Inc. visit the site.


Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. members are actively involved in the community. In partnership with Atlanta Achieve One, Inc. the members are instrumental in raising funds for community charitable organizations.  They currently work in partnership with various community sites including St. Vincent DePaul, the Atlanta Food Bank and  through United Way. This is just one way that Atlanta Grad Chapter members of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. are true to the mission and play an active part in alleviating economic challenges and disparities in the community.